Wednesday, May 13, 2015
These kids are my world
I sure love these three! We were listening to disney princess songs and having a little dance party and I was loving the light in the room so I thought I’d go grab my camera. I love when the technology is off and everyone is happy and free and no one is fighting over toys or my lap. Those are my favorite kind of moments.
I just loved these last two in color better :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Our Afternoon in Pictures
So it was 80 degrees today and I had this great idea to hook up the hose to our slide thinking the kids would love it. Lily did…for about 3 minutes. Miles did until he realized he was getting wet. And after a little while we headed back inside and I went up to get Evelyn from her nap and we discovered that our master bathroom was much more interesting than a water slide in our back yard.
A friend challenged people to tell a story in pictures a long while ago, so here’s my go at it…
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
The transition from two to three kids has been a little harder for me. The c-section recovery kind of wiped me out and it took a little longer for me to get back on my feet. Miles and Lily have been great with helping out and understanding that I need to spend more time with Evelyn before I can do what they want. I’d say the hardest thing with three kids so far is trying to figure out who to help first. With only two kids, Lily only had to wait for me to help Miles, now I have two people to help before her and usually three to help before I get what I need. I seriously feel like a short order cook since I’m constantly nursing the baby or preparing food for everyone else.
Miles is always begging to hold Evelyn and spends most of his days trying to smother her with hugs and kisses. It has been a little rough since Evelyn does not like to be put down and she has a very late bed time, so getting time to myself has been very hard. But Evelyn is such a little sweetheart and is happy as long as she’s being held. So happy to have her with us.